At the intersection of intuitive partnership, proven coaching principles, and mind-body medicine, you’ll find Fleche.
In fact, the name Fleche was inspired by the art of archery, which originated around the Stone Age, and still exists today. The tools used by today’s archers are similar to those used in ancient times, but with modern, technological updates, allowing them to laser focus to an even higher degree of accuracy and efficiency. Fleche Coaching & Consulting, much like archery, cultivates mindfulness, physical and mental discipline, and balance in a way that marries skills and practices that have stood the test of time with those that have been studied by the latest research and science.
When you have an idea of what your life could look like, but aren’t sure how to get there, coaching with Fleche can be just what you need to:
Figure out what YOU really want for your life, without the distractions of what you think the world expects of you
Align your mindset with your vision so that your actions are intentionally taken in the direction you want to go
Build the momentum you need to get unstuck and move toward your best life
At it’s core, the coaching partnership guides clients toward insight and forward momentum. Fleche Coaching and Consulting provides an environment and framework to do just that.
Enrollment Now Open!
You Are the Arrow
A professional development coaching series to help you make your mark.
Free Guide
Free Guide
Turn the job you have into the job you love
Even if you’re frustrated with your current position, the place you really want to work may be the with the company you already commute to every day.
BEFORE you you hand in your resignation, download this FREE guide and learn how you can find fulfillment without having to find another employer.

“Shelly has been my coach and mentor for 2 years and has completely changed my life by making me challenge my own thoughts and limitations.
I’ve changed a lot thanks to her support – from a once shy, anxious girl who was comfortable where she was to a now strong, independent woman whose own dreams scare her.
Our potential is there hiding inside all of us, but Shelly has a way of pulling that potential into the light, providing the support needed during transformation and motivating you to continually fulfill your heart’s desire. If you’re ready to change your life for the better, Fleche is for you!”
Let’s Talk!
We’ll discuss what is going on in your life, what you want for yourself now and in the future, and what working with Fleche can look like. You’ll have a chance to ask questions and we’ll both take part in deciding if a partnership makes sense at this time.